Reed Media Services

Posting a story

  More documentation:

    Basic Usage

      Don't be scared of the following scenario! Posting a story is as simple as just copying-and-pasting from your document (for example, Quark Xpress or Microsoft Word) into your web browser. A story will be created in HTML and your archives and tables of contents will be updated in just seconds. (All the main options are pre-set defaults so no article-by-article configuration is needed.)

    Adding a story
  1. Choose the section that the story will be added to. (The section choices are customizable)
  2. Enter headline
  3. Enter a sub-headline or a short description of story -- to be shown on table of contents (index) pages.
  4. Enter the author's name
  5. Enter their title or organization
  6. Enter a website address or an email address (making the their title clickable)

    Formatting choices:

  7. Use "Convert single linefeed/carriage return to newline" when copying and pasting document from QuarkXpress or MS-Word etc.
  8. Use "Convert double lf/br" if copying and pasting from a telnet-type program.
  9. Use "Already in HTML" if the text has HTML tags in it.
  10. Choose "Convert multiple spaces to tab/indent" if you would like paragraph starts (and etc) to indented.

  11. Enter the story into the textbox by copying from text from another application and pasting into the textbox.
    On a PC: Within your story document, select the text (CONTROL-A to select all), press CONTROL-C to copy to clipboard; then go back to the browser window, click within the textbox and then press CONTROL-V to paste the text.
    On a MAC: Within your story document, select the text (COMMAND-A to select all), press COMMAND-C to copy to clipboard; then go back to the browser window, click within the textbox and then press COMMAND-V to paste the text.

    For adding an image:

  12. To upload an image from your computer, click on "Browse..."
  13. To upload a photo later or to use an image already on the the web server, enter the filename at "Or, use image". Be sure to use the complete path (folder / directory) name.
  14. Select placement for placing image with the story.
  15. Enter the cutline (Photographer's name and organization credits, etc.)
  16. Enter the caption for the photo.
  17. Select "Add to archive" if you want a link to the story added to the current month's archive.
  18. Select "Update front page" if you want a link to the story added to the main index page -- the front page.
  19. Select "Update section page" if you want a link to the story added to the the individual section page (as chosen at top).
  20. If you choose your own filename, it may be a good idea to include the extension. For example, if it is a HTML document, make sure it ends with ".html". eMediaAdmin defaults to creating filenames on its own.

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