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Testing sysinst for NetBSD 4_RC4 for i386 under bochs (on my pkglinux). I installed latest bochs from source with --enable-show-ips. I am taking sysinst screenshots for a book I am working on. Had a few issues/questions so I asked about it on tech-install. My bochrc has:
ata0-master: type=disk, path="netbsd-virtual-harddisk.img", mode=flat, cylinders=1219, heads=16, spt=6
ata0-slave: type=cdrom, path="ISO/i386cd.iso", status=inserted, biosdetect=auto, model="Generic 1234"
cpu: count=1, ips=9000000, reset_on_triple_fault=1
keyboard_serial_delay: 9000
(and more but those are some custom things.) My virtual disk created with bximage is way too small so I need to do this again.