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Copied old log files while keeping directories with:

ls -d /home/backups/pilchuck/home/?/*/logs | xargs find | cpio -pdm /home/backups/web-logs
On a different system, removed old log files with:
time ls -d /home/?/*/logs/*.??.gz | xargs -n 2 rm

My CD writer had locked up on April 26. So today I rebooted.

My boot loader was missing again! I fixed with:

/usr/mdec/installboot /usr/mdec/biosboot.sym /dev/rwd0f
(As I had did on 07/Sep/2001 before.)

Also, I received messages when switching to console #1 from X:

init: getty repeating too quickly on port /dev/console, sleeping
To fix this I edited /etc/ttys to turn off "console" and turn on "ttyE0".

Also, I made sure vnc started up for other user in /etc/rc.local like:

echo Starting VNC for heather ...
su -l heather -c "PATH=${PATH}:/usr/X11R6/bin/ vncserver"

Added a vi recovery in /etc/weekly. (** need to send-pr)

Now I see a new problem: when logged in to another box in vi(1) sometimes the screen doesn't refresh (until I press CTRL-L). I had reinstalled rxvt on April 24 and this particular box had the same rxvt open since before then.

For several years, I have used:

if [ "X$TERM" = Xrxvt ]; then
export TERM
I noticed that the newer rxvt's aren't liking this when I login to a remote Linux box then use vi. With vi I press "O" to insert a new line and the screen is not redrawn, so I begin typing it appears to overwrite the text. When I press escape and CTRL-L all is fine.

I didn't have this problem with using various versions of rxvt for several years with TERM=xterm. Anyways, now I removed all this from my sh profiles, expecting to just use TERM=rxvt. But TERM still is "xterm". (So I see my old fix for TERM didn't matter anymore.)

The rxvt man page says this is defined by termName resource. xrdb -query doesn't tell me anything. I don't have any .Xresources or .Xdefaults. rxvt -h tells me:

Rxvt v2.7.10 - released: 26 MARCH 2003

And /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/app-defaults/Rxvt doesn't define it. This works for me:

echo "Rxvt.termName: rxvt" | xrdb
I don't want to create a .Xresources for this. (But I did.) I see that the rxvt-2.7.10 source defaults to xterm (TERMENV in rxvt.h).