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My PR pkg/9686 was closed. * I need to submit my own non-X (tty) webalizer package.

Removed my vorbis packages and did "make" in /usr/pkgsrc/audio/vorbis-tools. It stopped a few times, because it downloaded and started building a new libtools; I had to delete a few libtools packages and also go into the libtools packages directories and do a "make clean". I had to type "make" (in audio/vorbis-tools) about six times to get it done.

I patched src/bin/sh/expand.c to workaround a globbing problem where all the resources could be used up. This was recently discussed on BugTraq (involving ftpd). Probably the correct fix is to properly set resource limitations. I also wrote a simple patch for ksh for limiting the amount of globbing. (I also tried to patch csh.) From an email I sent to netbsd-users: "I believe that the ksh file globbing/expansion uses up unnecessary resources. On my AMD K-6 450 with 128MB ram running 1.5.1_ALPHA, my machine locked up (I could ping it); and after waiting for over an hour I had to reset the power. This can occur if you do '*/../*/../' several times." (On the 17th, I sent the ksh patch to the ksh maintainer, Michael Rendell.)

I also sent in a PR (bin/12425) to patch usr/src/lib/libc/gen/__glob13.c; it adds a limit (MAX_GLOBENTRIES 10000) for stopping the globbing resource usage. (I used the FreeBSD fix as an example.)