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Logging now back to default of off in my quicksysinst. Tried again -- oops -- forgot the FTP server! (Trying again ... this card is so slow -- 10.16 kB/s; my other machine fetched the same kern.tgz at 26.8 kB/s from my workstation.)

Ohh... I forgot to build the X release (i.e. xbase.tgz). So I build it. "make release" made empty tgz sets, because pax couln't find the files. Even though DESTDIR was set in my /etc/mk.conf it was not used. "make DESTDIR=/ INSTALL_DONE=1 release 2>&1 | tee LOG" worked. So my quicksysinst continues... It worked!

The new install's getty said the hostname was "Amnesiac" -- because hostname[0] == '0'. When searching for this I received:

/usr: bad dir ino 447747 at offset 0: mangled entry
panic: bad dir
Stopped in find at      cpu_Debugger+0x4:       leave
Probably my bad drive.

On a different system... used my quicksysinst to "automatically" install on box that BSD/OS 4.2 didn't like (old BIOS, a lot of cylinders).

Had problems linking with xforms library (as installed via pkgsrc).

I sent two emails to tech-pkg mailing list saying that i386 floppies don't have gzip/gunzip. I thought it was just "cat". Then I realized that "cat" was really ramdiskbin which included the gzip. I emailed again admitting I was wrong.

Send-pr (bin/12110): fsck.8 doesn't clearly explain "preen".

-Enter preen mode.
+Enter preen mode. Preen mode attempts to automatically repair
+any minor file system problems.
(fsck.8 was updated on March 7 to better explain preen; it didn't use my patch though. I closed the PR.)