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During my "make release", my latest problem was "install: No such file or directory" even though it existed. I added '@pwd' to the and I saw it was trying to get it from /usr/obj/distrib/notes/i386, so I removed the files, did a "make" and then "make release" and it worked. Afterward, F. Bruckman told me: "If you use objdirs, you're not supposed to have any objects in your source directory." He suggested: "find /usr/src -name obj* -type l -print0 | xargs rm", then "cd /usr/src; make cleandir && make obj". (I haven't tried this yet, because I worked-around it.)

"make release" finished -- YEEAAH!

Copied base sets to /home/ftp/pub/NetBSD/NetBSD-1.5.1_ALPHA/i386/binary/sets/ because can't use symlink in anonymous ftp's chroot environment.

I worked more on the quicksysinst so it wouldn't prompt for domain or host name. Plus I hardcoded in the FTP server IP (my workstation) for testing -- "SYSINST_FTP_HOST= make". Everything worked .. until / (ram disk) ran out of space. I had logging hardcoded on.