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bsd-isp mailing list

bsd-isp is for discussing using a BSD-type operating system for doing internet service provider-related tasks. Some example discussions include questions, answers and comments on configuring a mail server, tuning Apache, using ssh and installing dhcpd.

bsd-isp is not specific to one flavour of BSD. In fact, hopefully, the discussions will be mostly generic for other Unix-like systems. If your ISP-related, BSD-related question is specific to a certain flavour of BSD, be sure to explain and detail the setup and situation. When answering a question or commenting on a thread with BSD-specific details, please let the list readers know that it is specific to a certain BSD. (If you have time or the interest, feel free to share examples for various BSDs.)

This bsd-isp list is mostly for beginning administrators to intermediate users of BSD-like systems. Future lists may include a list for discussions for intermediate to advanced administrators and BSD-specific lists.

Please keep this list on focus. Please do not use to sell or promote any services or products unless explained to be truly applicable to a certain discussion thread.

Please keep this list on topic. For example: please do not use the bsd-isp list for discussing NT situations that aren't applicable to BSD; please do not use this list to discuss X11 and GUI setups unless appropriate for ISPs using a BSD; please do not discuss other OS firewalling or kernel module configurations that do not relate to BSD.


Currently this list is powered by a very simple mailing list software called easylist.

To subscribe, send an email to with the subject or first line saying "subscribe".

You can unsubscribe by sending an email with the subject line (or the first line in the message) saying "unsubscribe".


An archive is not yet available, but will be added within the week (including past messages).

How to use a mailing list

When asking a question, be sure to share complete details of your situation. Some examples:

When replying to a posting, please chop out any irrelevant or un-related comments. And please make sure all previous comments are not mis-attributed.

Please do not start a new discussion (or thread) by replying to a unrelated message; compose a new message to start a new discussion.

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